Table of Contents
Over the weekend more than 70 people attended our Sydney personal development course Live it Now to transform their lives and the lives of those around them. Thanks to the amazing support and contributions from everyone in attendance vital funding for our charity Bear Cottage was collected through donations that will help improve the lives of the children and their families who stay at the children’s hospice in Manly.
Everyone dressed up as superheroes, our crew had capes and eye masks, it was awesome. These kids that stay at Bear Cottage, and the families who support them, are the real superheroes. It was an absolute honour to be involved in Superhero Week, we can’t wait for their upcoming black-tie gala dinner!
On Day 1 we introduced the participants to the 5 Steps of Rapid Change. These steps were created to help the worst procrastinator work out what they wanted to achieve, and provide them with the steps required to get there.
After two days of using this information in the real world, it has been incredible to see all the success stories coming through via email and hear the excitement in people’s voices when they tell me stories of reaching out to connect with family members they have had challenging relationships with in the past.
Armed with all of this new information as well as some NLP techniques, I really feel that this group of Live it Now graduates are going to achieve incredible results in whatever area of life they chose to focus on this past weekend.
Often in life people go from day to day without a vision for their future. Or they may have a goal, however, they use the word someday, so that goal remains undefined.
Someday I’ll start a business. Someday I’ll lose weight. Someday I’ll find a partner.
Make someday today. Live it now.
By creating a vision, writing it down, and sharing it with someone, your psychology changes. You now have something to get excited about and someone to hold you accountable. You have created leverage!
On Sunday I spent time talking with a lot of people about their vision, and I can’t wait to see these goals reached. Lives are going to be transformed, and the world is going to be a much better place because of the passion these people are showing!
If you have attended a Live it Now, you would have seen that it is a filtering process. Sometimes people aren’t ready to step out of their comfort zone and play a bigger game, and that’s totally ok.
We had some high achievers in the room this weekend who are excited to break out of their old lives and commit to themselves. We’ll introduce some of them to you over the coming months as we track their progress and share their stories with you.
As we say at Live it Now, 90% of success is just showing up!
If you’re ready to show up in your life, book today for our next Live it Now on August 20 & 21.
Kindest regards,
Matt Catling – Your Future Now