Need Help with Health?
There’s an old saying that goes like this; “Health is your first wealth” and we believe that now more than ever, this saying couldn’t be more truthful. Without your health, you really have nothing and it’s concerning to know that we are now living in a society riddled with ‘quick-fix diets, body image expectations, high rates of cancer diagnosis and record numbers of people with heart disease, lung disease and mental health disorders.
Unfortunately many people only address their health once there is a crisis. They start a diet and exercise plan when they realise they’re overweight. They quit smoking when they’re diagnosed with lung cancer or go to Doctors only after the symptoms become unbearable – sound familiar.
Think about your own patterns around your health.
How do you feel about your body and your health?
Are there elements of your health that you know you could or should improve but unsure how?
What’s your relationship with food?
For some of us, we use binge-eating to cope with everyday stresses or we hit the cupboard as soon as we can’t deal with particular emotions. Have you ever wondered WHY that is? You know consciously that it’s not good for you and yet there’s something deep that drives this habit.
There is an absolute connection to the mind and the body especially when it comes to your health. It is proven that your unconscious mind controls majority of your bodily functions including your ability to maintain optimum health.
Our Health Now program will help you uncover your values and motivators around your health to ensure that you get off the yo-yo diet treadmill once and for all. We will give you all the tools and information you need to help you get focused and work on new strategies around your food choices. Most importantly, you will gain new-found energy and a desire to live life like you’ve never felt before.
You only get one life and we want you to create the absolute best version of yourself so that you can inspire others and become a role model to your friends, family and children. There’s no better time to start looking after yourself than NOW!
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