The Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking

The power of positive thinking is so much more than a bumper sticker slogan. When you are open to positives, you attract positives. That is because our brains are only able to process a fraction of the information around us.

How to stay positive is as simple as absorbing positive information in the world. We ignore so much of what happens around us. If most of what we ignore is positive, we can have a very negative take on life. If what we ignore is mostly negative, we experience and live a life of positivity.

How to Stay Positive

Staying positive isn’t a Jedi mind trick. It really is that simple. Positive thinking means we are available to enjoy positive opportunities, positive people, positive experience and positive thoughts.

The power of positive thinking doesn’t mean things go your way all the time. Life is still life, things will sometimes happen that are out of your control, well laid plans may crumble, but the glass half full mentality means that no matter what comes your way you can see light at the end, you can move forwards, go with the flow, gather the lessons within the mishaps and bounce back stronger than ever.

It’s about being driven forward with excitement, motivation and picturing the best-case scenario.

Positive Thinking to Achieve Goals

Positive thinking is also a great way to get your goals met. Positive mindset means working towards goals is easy, taking action is easy, and accepting a new challenge or getting out of your comfort zone is exciting!

Being positive means every day practice. It’s not just something you do to get yourself out of a slump, when you do it that way you will always be on that gradual slide downwards. At Live it Now we show you that if you’re not growing, you’re sliding.

A stuck mind equals stuck outcomes and little bits of positivity might get you out of the ditch, but mightn’t be enough to get you back on track.

What we’re looking to achieve is long lasting positive power. Creating positive habits and practicing how to be positive on a daily basis will exercise those mental filters that process the world, making positivity stronger and more reliable, meaning fewer slumps, more opportunities and increased productivity.

You will really notice the difference of jumping out of bed each and every day through positive thinking.

Here are my top tips on how to stay positive and harness that positive power to keep you achieving goals and moving towards your 7 Year Vision you created at Live it Now.

If you have completed Coach Now, you might like to share these tips with your clients or create a checklist to ensure they stay on track.

Eliminate Negative Words

The person who says “I can’t” and the person who says “I can” are usually right.

Be aware of your negative language and negative beliefs about what’s achievable. Train yourself to become conscious of negative words and replace them with positives. “I can” or create a question. Instead of “I can’t do that”. Ask yourself “How can I achieve that?” It’s amazing how many options come to you when you are open to possibilities.

Eliminate ‘Try’ from your vocabulary. From now on you will either do something or you won’t. Just changing your words will adjust your thinking and bring your filters into conscious awareness.

Want more proof that words make staggering differences: if you haven’t already seen this clip about the effect of Words on Water explaining the study of positive energy by Dr Masaru Emoto, it’s fascinating. Or conduct your own rice experiment and see the power of positivity and the destruction of negativity for yourself.

Power Forward With Positive Words

Fill a page or a poster with significant words and positive affirmations that inspire, strengthen, motivate, and fill you with passion. You might like to consider positive role models and write down the elements of their attitude or persona to model.

Read these words before you get started each day, really connect with them, visualise how these words will impact your day as you absorb them. Allow each word to fill you with optimism, hope and courage.

If words are not your strongest link to positivity get creative. Find photos of your happiest moments, cut out pictures or create your own images on a board that will empower you for the rest of the day. You can also play your favourite song or music and get pumped and ready for action.

Picture Success

Visualise the outcome you want. Getting to your goal is so much faster when you already believe in your mind that it’s true. Each step you take will then be influenced by that goal. As Will Smith says, when he puts his mind to something, it’s already done. The rest of the world just needs to catch up.

Remember, in order to get somewhere you might have to make space, so consider what do you need to let go of in order to get there.

If you are not making progress, look ahead to your goal outcome and change your daily actions and make the changes you need to make now. It’s your daily decisions that will get you to your Live it Now 7 Year Vision.

Still stuck? Use my free Belief Buster and get that old emotion released so you can be free of it and able make new decisions.

Remember, every time you start something new you are doing it for the first time. There is every reason to believe it will work.

There Is Only Feedback

If every time you got feedback you decide you’ve failed and stop moving, you miss out, you stay stuck. As I said, positive thinking doesn’t mean constant rainbows and sunshine and chanting affirmations, give yourself space and time to think about how to get past, around or through a difficulty or simply believe that things turned out that way for a really great reason. You always have choices, so find the one that leads to your goal.

As adults, we tend to take setbacks pretty hard. A child will get up and keep trying. To them, learning isn’t personal. Without that mentality, walking, talking, cartwheels, bike stunts and swimming wouldn’t exist. Be that playful child and enjoy it. It’s up to us to adapt our filters as adults to see only feedback, a positive way to move forward, and learn those lessons.

Be Nice to Yourself

You do so many things right every day. Congratulate yourself!

Often when we make a mistake we spiral into a beat up session, asking ourselves “Why am I so stupid?” Our mind will take the as an instruction, and come back to us with all the evidence of stupid things we’ve done. The same goes for “Why does this always happen to me?”

Instead of asking stupid questions and getting negative answers, go looking for all the times you did a great job. Fill your mind with evidence of success, power, and confidence. Be grateful for everything you do and experience in a day.

Beating yourself up over a mistake won’t change it. Forgive yourself, find evidence of great things you’ve done, and be sure to create a list of things you are grateful for. Being grateful, even for small things, reminds us that there is positivity in the world.

Take time to go for a gratitude walk, or keep a simple diary where you write three things at the end of each day you are grateful for. If you struggle to begin with, know it will get easier with practice.

These very simple steps are a great daily practice that will have you fully charged and ready to go no matter what the day throws at you. Wake up feeling fresh and positive about your life tomorrow. Start the power of positive thinking process today.

Kindest regards,

Matt Catling

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