What is an NLP Practitioner?

What is an NLP Practitioner?

NLP  stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. This is a model of communication and pattern of learning that occurs internally. We talk to ourselves all the time, we relay lessons, beliefs, ideas and fantasies that strengthen our neuropathways and create learning. 

How we talk to ourselves internally affects how we communicate with others externally as well as how we see and respond to our environment. 

For example, someone who believes the limits must be tested will be excited to jump out of a helicopter onto an untouched snowy mountain and snowboard down at breakneck speeds. While someone who believes the world is dangerous will be too timid to venture outside their apartment at night. What we believe runs how we live.

When we communicate in positive ways (I am brave, I am capable, I am lovable), we take action in our lives that is enriching and brings us fulfilment and personal growth. Unfortunately, as well as having millions of options for positive internal and external communications, there are also millions of possibilities for limiting and negative internal dialogue as well. If we are telling ourselves negative stories (I am worthless, I’m stupid, nobody loves me) it’s unlikely we will try new things, meet new people or say yes to amazing experiences, thus fulfilling our own internal prophecy.

Because NLP is naturally learned we can unknowingly take on thoughts and beliefs that we learned as children and carry them through our entire adult lives.

NLP take that natural learning pattern of communication, studies it and replicates excellence. When you can see the negative sequences and communication patterns in ourselves and others it becomes easy to swap them out for ones that are effective, successful and excellent.

The true magic of NLP is that we can replicate anything anyone else is doing simply by adopting their internal communication patterns. We can insert their programming into our network and make it happen for ourselves, or coach another person to reach their success.

And here’s the really great part, the change happened instantly. You can instantly let go of bad habits and thoughts and beliefs that are stopping you from reaching success by identifying what is not working, and replacing it with something that does work.

By understanding how your mind, emotions, and behaviour contribute to creating the subjective experience you have of the world, you can put practices in place to make powerful, effective changes in your life.

The study of NLP comes with a huge toolkit of different techniques you can use for change, depending on the situation and outcomes you want. These tools operate on symbolism, science and our mind’s unique communication preferences.

With NLP you can achieve success simply by changing your mind about what is possible.

Who is NLP for?

NLP is for anyone interested in personal development.  Understanding NLP processes and implementing changes assists with: 

  • Personal confidence
  • Goal setting 
  • Emotional health and wellbeing
  • Increasing communication and connections in personal relationships
  • Furthering your career
  • Increasing problem-solving ability
  • Understanding personal power and how to implement change from within

NLP works on both a personal and professional level to give you more choice, more ability and a wide range of responses to choose from rather than leaving your reactions on autopilot.

A big part of NLP is simply paying attention to communication and what a person is really saying. Many of us are so busy waiting to jump in and have our turn talking, we don’t actually listen to what someone is saying. NLP teaches us the deeper levels of communication and how to really listen, not just to others, but to yourself as well through understanding:

  • Body language
  • Meta programs 
  • Physiology
  • Tonal changes
  • Presuppositions in speech
  • Changes in breathing rate
  • Identity structures
  • Eye accessing cues
  • Values

That’s only a very short list, NLP can teach us over 20 different ways to actively and deeply listen to what is really being said, giving us access to deeper levels of rapport, more intimate conversations and greater influence. 

While our students come from all walks of life and all age groups and cultures, typically the majority of our enrolments are working professionals in:

  • Life and Business Coaching
  • Business and Leadership
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Training and Public Speaking
  • Counselling and Therapy
  • Sales
  • Marketing Professionals
  • Sports Coaching and Athlete Development
  • Human Resources
  • Personal Training 
  • Learning and Development

Why do people learn NLP techniques?

NLP is a way to rapidly see a change in your personal or professional life and also to assist others in making rapid changes to reach success in their own lives.

Usually, NLP is undertaken by those who are looking to see better results from their actions or achieve their goals in an efficient and healthy way. Through learning NLP you can take charge of your emotions, personal responsibility and actions to have more control over your outcomes and behaviour.

As well as bettering better results in their personal life, they may also be looking to create deep and meaningful connections with people around them, find lasting motivation and unshakable confidence.

For those who are in a profession working with others (for example life coaches, business leaders, personal trainers, public speakers and educators), they can gain NLP tools to increase their communication skills and help inspire and encourage change in their clients, students and staff.

Most people operate on autopilot most of their lives. They do not understand the internal communications and programs that are influencing their decisions and outcomes. This can result in a frustrating loop of negative and unwanted behaviour occurring in a loop, regardless of a new relationship, new job or new financial circumstances, the same pattern eventually plays out. Until we understand these programs it will be difficult to find the faults and instil successful and empowering communications that can break the cycle and get outstanding results.

I hear so many people put labels on themselves, like ‘I’m stupid’, ‘I’m a procrastinator’, ‘I’m easily distracted’, none of these are real. It’s about finding the communications that work for you and harnessing them to find the motivation to want to see results.

I’ll give you an example. I set up my day for excellence and part of that routine is going for a walk every morning on the beach. Every day I see a lifeguard there, doing his job at Manly, making sure everyone is safe. One day he asked me what it is I do. He was fascinated because I didn’t seem to work, I had the freedom to come down to the beach whenever I wanted. He wanted to know how I was able to achieve that because financially, it felt out of reach for him to just hang out on the beach on a whim. So I told him about my training and what I do and he said, ‘I could never do that. I’m not disciplined enough’. He told me that everyone said it, his family were always saying this about him, how he had no discipline for learning and no discipline with money. I told him straight up that it wasn’t true, ‘You are incredibly disciplined. I see you out here every day, watching over everyone. You get up every morning, you put on your uniform and you take your job very seriously.’ 

You could see him taking this in and stripping away those old, false communications about himself that had stopped him from taking control of his finances and his study. ‘If you can be disciplined here, you can replicate that communication for any other area of life, be that your health, your finances or your relationships. I can show you how to use your motivation and discipline in work, and transfer it across to your finances’.

Just knowing that it was possible, seeing in his mind’s eye that it was true was really all the motivation he needed to change and see better results. We tell ourselves something can’t be done, and it can’t. We tell ourselves something can be done, and it can.

And this is most of the population, living these false beliefs that stop them in their tracks. 95% of people don’t take action or make structured and effective goals for their life cause they are afraid they will fail. The belief that they will fail, that failure is unacceptable, that they will be hurt, embarrassed or humiliated is part of a negative communication pathway that is preventing them from taking action that will see their success.

The fear of not being successful (or even the fear of negative outcomes if they are successful) is so great that many people do not even stop to ask themselves what they really want or what they need to be happy.

What can you do with NLP?

With NLP you will learn the deeper levels of internal communication and how these affect the way you interpret the world. We also work to understand what beliefs and opinions are holding you back, sometimes they are actually helpful, especially if what you are trying to achieve goes against your personal values or is not economical. When you can see these big internal drivers you can select goals you actually want and that will work in alignment with who you really are.

You’ll learn how we shape beliefs and attitudes so that these can be easily and effectively swapped for ones that will serve to work in ways that you both want and need.

From here you will have access to more problem-solving options, better strategies and more control over your personal responses and behaviours.

You will train yourself out of the native patterns and thoughts that keep you stuck in a loop, causing anxiety, depression and stress and gain freedom from these unwanted and harmful emotions.

You will also learn how to unhook from emotions of the past that are preventing you from moving on and gaining important lessons that will empower you in the future.

Through positive beliefs and internal communications, you can learn how to reset your experience and work towards a desired solution with calm confidence and resilience.

You will also have the means to create deep personal connections with other people naturally and easily.

I’ve seen people let go of their fear and live their life on passion and with purpose.

Should I study NLP?

Because this is an internal, personal journey, what you get from learning NLP will be not only personal to you but life-changing. The tools you learn will keep giving back for life, enabling you to face any obstacle and overcome any challenge, no matter how great so you can live your life without regret, remorse or the desire for do-overs. 

If you’re looking for an NLP course in Sydney, then check out our Excellence Now NLP practitioner course for both in-person and online training options.



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