What is the most profitable coaching niche of 2022?

What is the most profitable coaching niche of 2022?

We spend a lot of time talking to our students about their next steps and future goals at Coach Now, our coaching course in Sydney. When it comes to coaching as a career, one of the biggest questions I get asked is, “Can I make a living out of it?” Without a doubt, yes.

I love business, it’s my speciality so I set you up not just to cover the coaching side, but to cover the business side of your coaching too. Of course the best way to learn business is to be in it, but once you have the training and you complete your practice clients, you really have everything you need to make a career from your coaching passion. The rest is just practice and experience.

To make your coaching career profitable, you simply need to find a problem people are facing and solve it through your coaching program.

There are plenty of problems in the world, people who need help and direction to overcome their challenges and get to where they want to go in life.

Really the biggest choice you have in front of you is what niche you want to start your coaching practice in. What specific type of problem and people do you want to be working closely with and changing lives?

No matter what the market has covered, there will always be a group left out, a group needing attention and services tailored just for them. Finding those gaps and seeking out those forgotten markets is what your coaching niche is all about.

Coaching stretches out across every single industry, it’s completely limitless when it comes to how you can apply your coaching skills to a speciality. Usually it falls back onto either your experience and skills, or the wound you have healed that has become your superpower.

Basically you are asking: What’s not working? And putting forward a solution where your skills or life experience can make a difference through coaching.

Choosing your niche will help you dive into some blue water when it comes to selling your coaching services. You don’t want to be fishing where everyone else has their nets, you want to go where there is some space and a new and hungry audience.

How do I choose a coaching niche?

There are a number of places you can look to help you choose your coaching niche. 

One is to look at your skills and experience. So if you have a background as a nutritionist, you can create a niche around those talents and your industry knowledge for health coaching perhaps, or if you are a primary school teacher, you can get into kid’s coaching, family coaching, or even coaching teachers. So as I said, it’s about what problems you have noticed in your industry, where do you see a pattern where people are going wrong and providing a solution.

The second place to find your niche is to look at your wounds. What have you successfully overcome (I really need to stress that you need to have successfully overcome this) so that you have something to offer others about the journey they are taking behind you. You can help people reach the same healing and get to that next level by drawing on your life experience and NLP solutions that really work.

And lastly, this is a bit of a fun one, one way you can find your niche is to look at the one part of your training you resist. I see some students battle with one element of my training course and just not get it – I know how that feels, that was me as a kid in school, just not able to get it when everyone else could – but here’s the thing, if you stick with it and you master it, that is often the thing that sticks, it becomes your superpower and you perfect it. 

I’ve seen that happen time and time again that people end up choosing the one thing they initially hated to death and made them think about quitting. It’s really inspiring to see that happen, to see someone take that path and go through so much on that journey. They learn more, they learn it deeply and they get it, they really get it, compared to someone who just sailed through the subject and got it right away but never got down to those deeper levels of understanding.

If you don’t know your niche yet you will. It will be obvious to you in your training or in your practice clients. You don’t even need to know your niche to start our coaching course, or any of our courses, because it’s a program that you can adapt to anything later on. You just have to get started and understand the principles of coaching and go from there.

90% of coaches that start a coach training don’t know what niche they are going to go ahead with. That’s why the training – in house, face-to-face training-  and practice clients are so important. It helps you figure it out. 

What Are Profitable Coaching Niches?

It’s not really a surprise that the most popular coaching niches are also the most profitable ones. Choosing a popular niche is not important, what matters is what you bring to it and what you make it. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to make your niche work, we have all the material you need to get into coaching. You can use our proven formula and scripts and just make some adjustments to narrow it down to your target market.

Here is a list of some of the niches that might be perfect for your future career:

  • Business Coaching

Businesses of all sizes have the budget and motivation to improve their business success. Every business wants to see growth, no matter where they currently sit in the market. Having a business coach can take a good business and make it great, and with experience, you can be the coach that takes a great business and makes it outstanding. 

As a Business Coach, you’ll help with business strategies, planning, risk assessment, finances, marketing, communications, staff hiring and internal systems, just to name a few.

Chunk down to even more niches to work with:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Startups
  • Small business CEOs
  • Large businesses and corporations
  • Online businesses
  • Goal-Setting skills
  • Time Management skills

Or you can choose to work within a specific industry like finance, public relations, real estate etc.

  • Health Coaching

Health coaching can cover a lot of ground including weight loss, nutrition and mindset. Health is a big one because it’s so essential for everyone to have, especially those who at first don’t value their health and come to need to address their issues when their situation gets serious due to heart problems, diabetes or obesity. 

You can work on any area of health that resonates with you. Health can also be very intrinsically rewarding too because you will naturally maintain your own health to have integrity and seeing someone regain their health is something my health coaches find deeply rewarding.

You can help with weight loss, healthy food intake, exercise, recovery, sleep and more.

Chunk down to even more niches!

  • Weight Loss
  • Kids health/obesity
  • Pre-surgery/recovery
  • Gut health/alkaline health
  • Active/sports/exercise
  • Men’s/women’s/senior
  • detox/addiction-free living

The amount of joint ventures a Health Coach can organise is almost limitless, meaning you will most likely become overbooked, and need to start building your team!

  • Relationship Coaching

Knowing how to create and keep good relationships is an essential part of life for health and happiness, but so many people don’t know how to create and foster good relationships, which is where a relationships coach comes in. Work relationships, getting back into the dating game, family relationships, assistance with marital relationships, or even helping divorced couples have great relationships after their breakup to make it easy to co-parent are just some of the angles a relationship coach might tackle.

Of course, the most important relationship to get right is with ourselves. It is a niche where you can bring your clients’ emotional wellbeing to the next level and do some incredible good for their self-confidence, communication, connection and social interaction.

Chunk down to even more niches!

  • Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Dating
  • Family
  • Friendshsips/making new connections
  • Relationship at work
  • Self Love

Some of the Relationship Coaches who have graduated from our training have gone on to become sought after coaches, appearing in print and on TV.

  • Finance Coaching

Heard these sayings before, “Money is the root of evil”, “Money burns holes in my pockets”? There are so many beliefs and ideas about money that can be limiting and damaging to our health and happiness. Through finance coaching you can help your clients set personal budgets, create a healthy relationship with money and spending and help them meet lifelong goals like having savings, starting a business or buying a home.

Financial strain can be crippling to individuals and families. The stress of having to deal with money (or avoid dealing with money) every day takes a toll. Taking control of finances and making healthy choices around money is empowering and life-changing and you can help with that.

Chunk down to even more niches!

  • Individual wealth
  • Family wealth
  • Savings and goals
  • Money magnet

When someone gets their money stresses handled, you can then work with them on other areas of life, helping them to create and chase their dreams!

  • Personal Development Coaching

When we can take responsibility for everything we do, for how we feel and what our actions are, we can accomplish anything, absolutely anything, and overcome anything as well.

We can all do what we do better by modelling our mindset on the people who are performing with excellence. 

We can easily become trapped in our comfort zone, because not knowing what comes next feels insecure. Having the courage to step out of your comfort zone and keep learning and keep growing is the most valuable and rewarding thing you can do to enrich your life. 

A coach in personal development helps a client see outside of their bubble when they get too caught up in the little things, loop into unhealthy or destructive patterns and provide some tactics to overcome unwanted emotions and be courageous in their personal life or maybe to excel in, sport, entertainment or presentations, to name a few.

You’ll help your clients hold to their commitment to excellence by assisting with positive self-talk, internal and external communications and cues as well as abstract imagery and anxiety management.

Chunk down to even more niches!

  • Happiness Coach
  • Confidence Coach
  • Resilience Coach
  • Stage/audition coaching
  • Sports/events training mindset

As a Coach Now participant, you’ll receive all the training you need to understand how coaching works and how you can lead someone to excellence. We’ll also help you with marketing and payment management.

You don’t have to take a specialist course to pursue a particular niche. Take our Coach Now course and learn the ropes of coaching, and take it to next steps in Master Coaching for business coaching, health coaching or relationships coach if that’s where your passion lies.

The options for niches and sub-niches to choose are limitless. It’s all about what you bring to it.

Look at your passions, interests, skills, and experience and how you can help someone get through a challenge they are facing. If you feel energised and excited by your coaching practice, that’s how you know you are on a winner.

I’d strongly recommend coupling life coaching training with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) tools through my NLP course in Sydney – Excellence Now

Understanding our internal and external communications is truly incredible and empowering. Our coaching course contains NLP elements for best results and the most flexibility around rapid change for your coaching clients and you can deepen your understanding and experience with the NLP toolkit with Excellence Now. It’s a great way to have a toolkit of solutions to use on yourself to get to your next level of excellence too.

You can even niche into certain NLP pathways like hypnosis to give you hypnotherapy tools, swish patterns and like-to-dislike to break stubborn habits and teach clients how to achieve their goals rapidly. Probably the greatest and most rewarding NLP tool is TimeLine Therapy. This is an amazing and such a valued resource for unhooking people from old and stubborn emotions that are stopping them from achieving their goals.

Our coaching program combines the power of NLP with coaching strategies that can help you create long-term change. Through our coaching training we teach you effective NLP techniques and coaching strategies to help you help your clients transform their thinking and behaviour, and empower them to make long-lasting changes in their lives!


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