What Is Time Line Therapy™?

What Is Time Line Therapy™?

During Excellence Now we teach Time Line Therapy™ as part of Rapid Change Technologies. It’s a proven technique all my RCT Coaches use and a technique I use with clients regularly.

While neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) has many different techniques and facets, Time Line Therapy™ is possibly the most powerful and most rewarding tool you can use to bring about genuine, positive change.

If you have downloaded and used my free Belief Buster, then you have experienced Time Line Therapy™ already. You’ll know how simple and easy it is to use and how powerful and lasting the positive changes can be.

The Belief Buster recording is created to release past limiting decisions.

Time Line Therapy™ is also used to:
• Release negative emotions (anger, sadness, fear hurt and guilt)
• Clear the emotional charge from traumatic events
• Construct a future aligned with our deepest values rather than our learned responses

How Does Time Line Therapy™ Work?

Each time we experience an event in our lives our brain gathers information to assist us to learn, grow and stay alive.

This is most powerful and evident in the ‘imprint period’, ages 0-7, when everything we do, taste, feel and experience is a life lesson.

During the ‘modelling period’, ages 7-14, we start to choose the heroes we want to model and which villains to reject.

Then during the ‘socialisation period’, 14-21, we start to branch out and explore the world, testing our beliefs and values against other groups and determining where we fit in society.

With each stage our brains become more and more resilient to accepting new beliefs and values. After that, accepting new information is a lot of hard work, we mostly live our entire adult lives on the evidence of the memories, values and learning’s of our first 21 years.

Our unconscious mind spends time looking for more evidence of our existing beliefs in the world, stacking up and storing those lessons against others until we have a gestalt of proof on how to fit in, when anger is useful, why we feel rejected and how we value our own self-worth.

This is why you may have experienced difficulty getting new habits to stick, or quitting on ones you started young, like smoking cigarettes. You know on a conscious level you don’t want to smoke anymore, however, your unconscious mind may truly believe it’s required to fit in, to survive.

Sometimes those lessons are inaccurate, irrational, or no longer useful. Maybe they were never our own lessons to begin with! Time Line Therapy™ is a chance to revisit the stored lessons and evaluate what is needed, and what is not. Once we clear out what is no longer useful or relevant, we have an abundance of space for new and positive lessons.

Time Line Therapy

Who is Time Line Therapy™ Good For?

Everyone stores events and memories as lessons in life, it’s part of our makeup. It’s the primary purpose of our brain to ensure the mistakes we make are not repeated.

Therefore, anyone can use Time Line Therapy™ in order to get better results, improve performance, achieve goals, make better decisions, stay calm in trialling situations, improve relationships, (including your relationship with yourself) and just be genuinely happier.

If you have a good life and want to make it excellent, this is just as much for you as someone who experienced grief in their childhood and is still struggling today.

How is Time Line Therapy™ so Fast?

Time Line Therapy™ takes a fraction of time compared to psychology sessions because you are personally in control and able to bring about change. The other reason that the process is so quick is that there is no need to visit every single memory or event where your unconscious mind gathered evidence.

We go straight to the first event, we evaluate what is needed and genuine here and the mind simply releases all other evidence stacked on that line since.

If you were to imagine a paper chain hanging from a ceiling, if you cut the very first loop, the one that attaches to the roof, the whole chain will fall. In this way it is possible to release a lifetime of stored anger in only one session, by going straight to the source.

Do I Need a Coach or NLP practitioner to do Time Line Therapy™?

My Belief Buster will guide you on your own in releasing negative beliefs and limiting decisions, however, for traumatic events or any of the major negative emotions: Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt, Guilt you will absolutely need a guide as the power of the emotion may create unwanted and unwarranted sensations that can be uncomfortable and keep you stuck.

The intention of Time Line Therapy™ is to move your forward to a better, more capable state, without experiencing the negative emotion of the event. You will need an objective guide to ensure you are achieving this as well as to ask the right questions to elicit your unconscious mind’s cooperation and get the most impact from your experience.

When I Complete Time Line Therapy™ Will I be Numb to Emotion?

Not at all. If you were to release anger, you would still feel angry if you were in a situation that prompted that. Say if your boundaries were crossed or your values violated.

The difference is that the anger you feel is only for that one situation, not amplified by the past memories on your gestalt. This means that the emotions you feel will be rational, manageable, and over far more quickly than you experienced before.

This enables you to make better decisions in the moment, see possibilities in the situation that ordinarily might have been clouded by intense emotion, or simply not be triggered by trivial events.

How Can I Experience Time Line Therapy™?

Coach with us: Talk to us about being coached by one of our amazing coaches. Not only will you get the opportunity to release using Time Line Therapy™, you will also be on track to completing the goals you want and bring your ultimate desires to reality

Purchase a breakthrough session: In one day go through a series of Time Line Therapy™ sessions to release all the negative emotions; anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt, giving you a clean slate to be your true, authentic self.

Come to Excellence Now: Not only will you get to experience Time Line Therapy™, you will also fully understand the concept as well as experience the other incredible NLP techniques. Our hands-on learning environment will also give you everything you need to become a certified practitioner! Register today for our next course.

Kindest regards,

Matt Catling

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