Every day people ask me, ‘Matt, what is the secret to being a successful coach and creating freedom in my life?’
Like many people, my journey started with confusion. I lacked direction and didn’t understand the emotions that were coming up on a daily basis.
Have you ever felt confused, overwhelmed or frustrated?
In my first year as a coach I made every mistake you could make.
I didn’t make millions of dollars, I didn’t have the best relationships, and my health wasn’t great.
I thought that as a coach I had to have all the answers and tell people what to do.
In that first year, I learned many lessons, and most importantly I discovered that your passion is your compass.
I was once working with a gentleman who owned his own coaching business, and had been using traditional goal setting techniques. Unfortunately he hadn’t been getting the results he wanted, and was feeling empty inside.
As we started working together, the first thing we did was help him uncover why he wanted to achieve his goals. What would it mean to him if he achieved these goals? How would he know, with certainty, that he had achieved them?
During the process, I noticed that he started to tap into a feeling deep inside of himself, and his eyes were welling up.
His goal, the thing he really wanted to achieve, was to see his son who he hadn’t seen in many years.
He would know he had achieved his goal when he purchased the plane tickets to go and visit his son.
Now that we had found his inspiration and motivation to achieve his goal, he was able to achieve his dream in one third of the time it normally took him!
When it comes to getting clearer on your future, I believe your passion is your compass. That is why I always use I AM SMART goals, which stands for:
Inspiring (what inspires you about your goal? Emotionally, how will you feel when you achive it?)
Motivating (Why does your goal motivate you? When the Why is big enough, the How just happens!)
What inspires you about this? Why does this motivate you? Is this attainable? Is this goal risky? How will you know if you have achieved this goal?
If you have been setting goals and falling short, maybe you’re missing this component.
You see we use the IAM SMART technique to uncover what it is we want in the next 6 months, 12 months, three years and seven years.
From this we set out a vision for our future, and we become an arrow, zeroing in on our life targets.
This process is vital to achieving your goals because we insert a vision for your future directly into your unconscious mind. The greatest achievers on the planet, from Arnold Schwarzenegger to Will Smith all have IAM SMART goals.
If you would like to fast track success in your life, join us for our next Live It Now event and get started on your seven year vision!