Table of Contents
Our connections and interactions are an essential part of living. Without relationships, we simply wouldn’t survive, which is why we sometimes stay in relationships that are damaging to us and turn a blind eye to the pain, frustrations or anxiety that brings with it.
Life is about relationships, and we can all use better communication and understanding within:
• Romantic partnerships
• Family
• Friendship circles
• Work and business
• Community
If you are in a toxic relationship, or find your pattern of relationships so unsatisfying you’d rather be alone, Live it Now can offer you a new path, some new choices, and new revelations about yourself that can turn your current relationships around, or have you excited about meeting your soul mate.
If you ever have that feeling that you are attracting the same problems, even when you change partners, it’s time to look at the root cause of the problem, known as your emotional wound, and ask yourself, what scars are you bringing to these relationships that caused this cycle? We have a saying at Live it Now; ‘what we resist, persists!’
At Live It Now, these questions are so easy to answer, and with support, you’ll be able to let go of the past and improve your relationship with yourself and others. Just one weekend and you can find ways to connect with people you never imagined, in the shortest time possible.
One of the reasons people come to Live it Now is to hear from Relationship Queen Miranda, with her knowledge and vivid explanations, they learn how to communicate in all kinds of relationships, be it with their partner, in friendships, or with business colleagues, no matter how difficult that seemed before.
In December Josie came to Live it Now a shy, introverted girl who believed she’d never be good enough for a relationship. By letting go of past hurt, she was able to find herself.
‘Every time a guy came up to me, my first instinct was to run away, and that’s what I did for years. I’d bottle up all my feelings, torment myself with all the ‘what ifs’ I could possibly think of, and wait for that one special person to pull me out of my misery.’
‘I am now the person who lets myself be my authentic self without feeling guilty. I become that one special person who pulls me out of my misery and I fell in love. I fell in love with me! Falling in love with yourself is truly the greatest gift you could ever give yourself and those around you.’
Josie took massive action after Live it Now and committed to herself! When she was honest with herself and with the guy in question about her emotions she was able to address what was real, and found her own special someone with 24 hours of letting go!
Last year Brandon came to Live it Now a complete mess. He had been kicked out of home, not able to communicate with his mum. Through learning about everyone’s unique communication style at Live It Now Brandon was able to speak with his mum in a way she would understand.
“My Live it Now breakthrough was discovering how to let my mum into my model of the world. Rather than letting my ego control me and try to prove my mum wrong, I’ve invited her to help me along the way, as I have realised life is not about blazing your own trail as you climb the mountain, but taking the people that you love on that journey with you, and living those moments with them every step of the way.”
Oh, and one more thing, lots of singles come to Live it Now. It’s a great way to meet and connect and you never know, your special someone might just be in the room with you….
I would like to invite you to come to Live it Now, bring your partner, bring your ex-partner, bring your parents, your siblings and their partners and see what a difference that letting go of the past hurts and fears can make!
See you there,
Matt Catling