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Are you the kind of person who thinks up amazing ideas and never takes action? Maybe you even see your invention, the one in your head, on the shelf a few years later and think, wow, that was my idea! Or do you watch a business start up get global recognition and know, deep down, that is where you are destined to be?
So many participants have left Live it Now and gone on to make a mark out in the real world through setting up their own business, being their own boss, and leaving a lasting impression that has the power to disrupts industries. They are inspired to create the business they have always wanted because they released their fears and negative beliefs.
At Live it Now, we start by revealing the things that are holding you back. When the stories are stripped away, we are able to clearly identify the beliefs that are holding you back. Once you unhook from these beliefs and these old emotions, anything is possible!
Ash O’Donnell didn’t even know she wanted to run her own Pilates studio when she came to Live it Now. Working as an exercise physiologist in cardiac rehabilitation wards, she knew only one thing: ‘I wanted to make more of an impact than just on people who have had heart attacks, I wanted to prevent heart attacks from happening!’
Ash now owns not one but two studios and nets a yearly income with six zeros in it.
‘I can guarantee that when you are in your business you will definitely think that you wished that you did this a year ago. Just start it today because I can guarantee there is nothing better in the world than having the freedom of running your own business and making an impact on the world on your own terms.’
Before her start-up boom at Enliven Coaching, Becky Shaw came to Live it Now completely unhappy. She’d just had a relationship break up and had moved back home with her family. Attending Live It Now gave her the shake up she needed to realise something had to change.
After releasing old patterns and emotions she was able to take charge and face the challenge on offer.
‘I quit my full-time job, moved states with a friend to the northern beaches of Sydney and started from square one again! Changing my career from a full time hairdresser of nine years to follow my passion was very scary. I needed to get comfortable being uncomfortable – hairdressing was easy.’
‘I felt as though I could do that job with my eyes closed so following my passion and learning new skills was pretty scary. I quickly discovered that as soon as I stepped out of my comfort zone it was even better than I imagined and nowhere near as scary as I made it out to be! I found I learned so much quicker because it wasn’t a job, it was my passion.’
Her business Enliven Coaching started in a park, and her gym has grown to the point that Becky is now looking for an even bigger studio to move into to bring more of her goals to fruition.
Her gym has been a 2015 & 2016 finalist in the Northern Beaches Business Awards and Becky has also been nominated two years in a row for the Northern Beaches Business Person of the Year awards.
Becky’s advice?
‘Trust your vision no matter how crazy it is. Own it!! If someone has something negative to say about your ideas tell them to beat it. So many times I had people laugh at my vision and say I wouldn’t make it in the big world of gyms, and look at me now.’
Another fantastic success story is Eunice. After spending more than a decade treating patients who were feeling lost and uncertain, struggling with bad habits around weight, stress, and tension, Dr Eunice Man decided to learn new techniques to help empower women with cutting edge information in all three pillars of health; Nutrition, Physical & Emotions.
‘Attending the Live it Now weekend was the beginning of my transformation. As I have progressed through the Platinum package, I have become a mum, a freedom & wellness consultant, and continued as a registered medical doctor. My programs help women redefine their self-image and improve the quality of the time they spend with themselves and their families.’
By breaking through her fears, Eunice was able to see what she was truly capable of and take positive steps to reaching her goals.
‘The outcomes for my clients have been incredible! I have clients coming off antidepressants successfully. Their relationship with themselves, their families, work colleagues and money has improved noticeably. I am able to help them break lifelong habits such as emotional eating or smoking using NLP techniques.’
At Live it Now we talk about finding your passion. We say ‘your passion is your compass, money follows passion!’ That is certainly true for Kat Miller. After battling her own demons, Kat she had a passion for helping women overcome their mental and physical challenges so they could live the life they had always wanted.
‘I’ve struggled with my own body image challenges and I’ve really been quite extreme throughout my life, like either really extreme training and dieting or bingeing and drinking, so I really wanted to find balance myself ever since I was a teenager. When I started to work on myself and get the results that I wanted, I really wanted to help other people get the same kind of results and just get happy and free in themselves and who they are and how much they love their body!’
Kat combined personal training with life coaching and also runs her own events and presentations. She’s a powerhouse; you’d never know she ever felt nervous starting out and taking those first steps after Live It Now.
‘I have never wanted to work for someone else. I have always wanted to have my own business and I left my corporate job ten years ago, started my business, and I have no desire to ever work for anyone else again!
In just 12 months since attending Live it Now, owner of PT Mentoring, Ellie Burscough, has seen an explosion in her business revenue. Starting at $4,000 a month, she first increased to $30,000, and recently celebrated her first ever $100k month!
Ellie’s business, PT Mentoring, works with personal trainers and coaches on their mindset and on implementing strategies so they can get much faster results.
‘I really believe that all the strategies in the world won’t help you if you’re in a bad head space, so I help people overcome limiting beliefs about themselves to they can move forward much faster, and get really fast results.’
If it weren’t for Live it Now, it would never have happened for Ellie. ‘My Live it Now weekend was amazing, I loved it. To have some big breakthroughs and to be surrounded by a room full of like-minded people was incredible.’
If you are ready to shed the weight that is stopping you from soaring in your own business success, see what inspiration Live it Now has to offer. You may achieve goals you don’t even know you have yet!
Kindest regards,
Matt Catling