Categories: Business

7 Mistakes to Avoid when Launching a New Business

7 Mistakes to Avoid when Launching a New Business

Lаunсhing a new buѕinеѕѕ саn bе оnе of thе mоѕt fulfilling jоurnеуѕ a реrѕоn саn еvеr undеrtаkе. On thе other hаnd, a fаilеd ѕtаrtuр саn bе nothing ѕhоrt of dеvаѕtаting tо аn оwnеr’ѕ рѕусhе. Like еvеrу ѕtаrtuр еntrерrеnеur, Rodney Nelson needed a great wеbѕitе. Woolly Pосkеt, thе соmраnу he was building with hiѕ brоthеr, Miguel,…

10 Ways to Improve Public Speaking for Introverts

10 Ways to Improve Public Speaking for Introverts

Whаt wоuld уоu rаthеr do on a Friday night: Pаrtу in a club оr spend a ԛuiеt night in rеаding a book? Gо оut with friеndѕ or рlау a vidео game? Depending оn whаt уоu сhооѕе, уоu’ll either bеlоng tо the еxtrаvеrt оr intrоvеrt camp. Publiс ѕреаking iѕ a daunting рrоѕресt fоr mоѕt реорlе, but…

Boost Sales with Body Language

Boost Sales with Body Language

Did you know you can boost sales with body language? Body language and tonality represent more than 90 percent of how you’re seen by others. The key to compelling body language in selling is to be compatible with your prospect. People who are like each other, like each other! In other words, be a chameleon,…

Selling is About Influence

Selling is About Influence

In any business, the key to success is the sale. Even if you don’t have a product, you are selling a service, an idea or even just selling that you know what you’re talking about. I believe we are all in business all the time. Life is a business. Think about how persuasive you need…

Examples of Business Goal Setting

Examples of Business Goal Setting

As a business owner, it is essential to your success that you include business goal setting as part of your monthly and yearly review process. When you are a business owner, be it for a small business, a start-up or a well-established strong brand, your job is to hold the vision for what your business…

How do I become a life coach?

How do I become a life coach?

Have you ever wondered, ‘how do I become a life coach?’ Coaching is a fantastic industry that allows you to connect with and help so many people, it’s no wonder it’s the fastest growing industry on the planet! For decades the title of Coach was attributed to people who helped boost the mindset and performance…

Do Public Speaking Courses Improve Public Speaking?

Do Public Speaking Courses Improve Public Speaking?

Practice makes perfect, right? On the flip side of the coin, avoiding something means you get worse at it and further away from ever achieving it. So if you are giving in to a fear of public speaking, every time you don’t step up to the mic or stand up in front of a room,…

The Difference in Influence is Eye Opening

The Difference in Influence is Eye Opening

When you are first starting out as a presenter, either as a full-time profession, part of your business or as a guest speaker, the feeling of embarrassment can be colossal. You think if you just say what you need to say as fast as possible and look at your shoes, your information will be so…

Strategies to Improve Public Speaking

Strategies to Improve Public Speaking

I have dedicated my life to creating powerful and proven structures that other people can easily apply to their life or situation for amazing results. It’s my passion to help people discover and reach their personal goals. One of the structures I have created is around successful strategies people can use to improve public speaking….

Start a Career in Life Coaching

Start a Career in Life Coaching

One of the fastest growing industries in the world is Life Coaching, Why? Because there is something in it for everyone. As a coach, you are constantly growing, evolving and stretching your abilities. Your clients are too, as you show them how to power towards a life they will really love. I love a win-win…

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