Categories: NLP Articles

5 ways to change your life in a weekend

5 ways to change your life in a weekend

You may have heard the saying ‘to change something in your life, you actually have to change something in your life’ and guess what? It’s true! How often have you said to yourself ‘on Monday I’ll go to the gym’ only to hit snooze and go back to sleep? Or maybe you promise yourself you…

How to Integrate Warring Parts

How to Integrate Warring Parts

To get what we want in life, to be in control and be operating at the highest level, we need to be totally congruent. That means that everything about us needs to want the same thing and move in the same direction. I’m sure you’re thinking, “Matt, what are you talking about, how can I…

What is Non-Verbal Communication?

What is Non-Verbal Communication?

Most of what we communicate to others happens without us really thinking about it. This is known as non-verbal communication. If you think you know what you are saying and how you appear to people, you might want to think again. We might be alert and aware of the words we choose but are we…

How to set goals for the New Year

How to set goals for the New Year

People can be awesomely optimistic, especially when it comes time to set goals for the New Year. It’s a fresh start, ‘this year I will become the person I want to be…’ Goals for the New Year can come with the idea that bad habits, indulgences and life patterns that have been in place for…

What are Swish Patterns?

What are Swish Patterns?

You’re hitting snooze on the alarm, again, knowing you will have to rush now, maybe get breakfast to go, skip breakfast altogether? Who cares, you just can’t manage to get up. It’s been like this since you took a week off last month. Normally you’d get up as soon as your alarm starts off….and now…

How Do I Keep My New Year’s Resolutions?

How Do I Keep My New Year’s Resolutions?

So when it comes to keeping New Year’s Resolutions people do things…weirdly sometimes. We can do things really, really well, then we can do things that seem out of this world illogical. Like, setting a goal we really like, doing it for one week in January and then, somehow, messing up and acting in a…

Have you experienced the benefits of Time Line Therapy?

Have you experienced the benefits of Time Line Therapy?

It’s normal to have niggling self-doubts, or even crippling self-doubt, or panic attacks from time to time, it’s part of being human. We just learn to cover it up and keep going. Right? Um, no that’s wrong. It’s normal to reject a promotion, call off a romance or spend all your savings on something you…

What is NLP?

What is NLP?

People often ask me, ‘Matt, what is NLP?’ Simply put NLP stands for: • Neuro: the controlling part of your brain and nervous system • Linguistic: Language of • Programming: Method of response to our environment. When we put that together NLP is the language of your mind that programs how you run as a…

How does Time Line Therapy work?

How does Time Line Therapy work?

Emotions are part of life and feeling small regular doses of emotion is important for guidance and direction, determining right from wrong and correcting mistakes. Left ignored, those little emotions can build up. Instead of a subtle emotional reminder, you may experience intense knee-jerk reactions. When your unresolved emotions are left too long they can…

Looking for a Life Coach in Sydney?

Looking for a Life Coach in Sydney?

Thanks to modern technology, you can work as a life coach in Sydney, New York, London, or from anywhere in the world with an internet connection! This also means you can access a life coach from anywhere in the world to help you achieve your goals too. At Coach Now, we train some of the…

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